The Write Stuff

Repurposing Your Case Studies – Part 2

Repurpose Your Content

In Part I of Write Angle’s blog on “How to Repurpose Your Case Studies”, we pointed out how to repackage standalone stories in new assets.

Today, let’s look at how we helped Pure Storage extend the reach of a strategic case study featuring North York General Hospital.

As we all know, attention spans are being collapsed by the overwhelming amount of information we’re asked to sift through daily. Recognizing this, it’s often helpful to produce a “case study lite” version of material that truncates long-form content into a more digestible format.

The perfect vehicle for doing so is the corporate blog. In the case of the North York General Hospital story, the content was repurposed as a Q&A titled “Achieving Better Patient Outcomes With All-Flash Storage“.

Recasting and condensing content from the original case study into a conversational “give and take” accomplishes several things. One, it provides time-constrained readers a glimpse into a vendor solution directly through the lens of the customer. Two, it broadens the reach of the story by serving as an additional mechanism for attracting net-new (in this case, healthcare-centric) site visitors. And three, it provides yet another opportunity to leverage the story via social media outlets.

The takeaway? Make your assets work hard across multiple dimensions for maximum impact.